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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

WOW ,what a Mess!

The world is a fucked up place !
You have these Muslim Douchebags all around the world ,trying to impose their will upon everyone unlike them !
The DickTater running Darfur finally brought up on charges of Genocide! and China comes out in his defense?
China regularly detains and beats then imprisons And beats again , any citizen who speaks out against them !
Hear at home , we have some messed up shit going on , gas prices are higher ,and congress wont budge on opening some drilling ,ANYWHERE, I guess when you want to talk to all the terrorists and make nice ,you don't give a rats ass about who pays your wages ,yes you fucking retards work for the U.S. citizens , and I'm pissed off , that you wont listen to us!
I would like to Know when it became cool to tear apart the United States ?
Terrorists want to kill US, lets kill them first!
oil prices are high ,lets drill at home so we can break away from the scumbags of the middle east, while we are also exploring alternative fuels and resources!
Also put major restrictions and taxes on any company who does buisness outside the United States ,so they will bring the jobs back here where they belong !

our Government needs to pull its collective head out of it's Gigantic Ass, and listen to the people ,they do work for us , and we can fire them !

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