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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Muslims, ACLU, sue FBI.

"We have seen a special emphasis on individuals who have ties to, or have visited Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen,"

Uh, You wonder Why?
Maybe it is because these are the three countries that are the Hotbed of Terrorism in the World!
If you can't understand that then maybe you all oughta pack your bags and go to any one of these countries for a little while... See how you feel about things later on ...if you are still alive.

(CNN) -- The California chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the ACLU say they will announce a federal class action lawsuit Wednesday against the FBI for "illegal surveillance of the Muslim community."

The council's San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento offices began documenting FBI surveillance practices last year.

"In recent months, there has been a notable increase in complaints by community members of FBI visits," the offices said in July.

It said that Muslims of varying ethnic and geographic background have reported visits by FBI agents.

"We have seen a special emphasis on individuals who have ties to, or have visited Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen," it said.

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