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Saturday, July 30, 2011

racial profiling, In Detroit

Border agents patrol the Borders.
Illegal Immigrants from Mexico are the main source of illegal immigration.
Mexicans, come from Mexico.
Border agents tend to look at Mexicans when they are doing their job, More than they would look at me, A Caucasian American.

While working in Texas for two years, I did a lot of site seeing everywhere you go in El Paso beyond the city is a border patrol check station, I was asked the same line of questions as Mr.Arguellas Jr. and at times made to feel like a criminal; the border agents where doing their jobs in both cases.

No offense Mr. Arguellas, but blame your people flooding into the U.S. illegally for this situation, the Border agents where doing their job, And think for a second... how does a border agent find illegal aliens from Mexico without looking at Mexicans.

Detroit Free Press
On a sunny afternoon last month, Francisco Arguelles Jr. was fishing for silver bass along the Detroit River near Jefferson when a Border Patrol agent pulled up.

About 50 other people were around him, but Arguelles said the agent came straight to him and his brother -- the only Latinos there. The agent asked for identification, then started peppering the U.S. citizens with questions: Where are you from? When was the last time you were in Mexico? How do I know you're not an immigrant?

Arguelles, 28, said he told the agent, "I was born in Detroit."

But soon, four more agents arrived. They eventually left, but the Detroit brothers said they were shook up -- two of a growing number of metro Detroit Latinos who accuse federal agents of racial profiling.

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